Expressive Arts
Biblio Therapy
Expressive Arts
Expressive arts therapy offers clients multiple modes of communication through which clients can restore healing and wellness to their lives. These modes include drawing, painting, clay work, drama, movement, and music. Various art media afford clients the opportunity for fuller, more complete, and meaningful ways to express themselves, which enhances clients’ ability to grow and develop in ways they most desire. These art media can use multiple human abilities that range from the very basic sensory-motor skills to emotional, mental, and creative skills, which combined can lead to marked improvements that happen in the contexts of doing fun artistic activities.
With a biblio/poetry approach to therapy, counselors invite clients into discussions about poetry, films, and stories to help them find health and strength of mind, body, and spirit. Inner strengths and wellness come about in clients’ emotional and mental responses to literature and film. This therapeutic modality can involve clients in acts of both reading and writing. Biblio/poetry therapy provides a context for clients to communicate with their therapist to discover personal healing that comes through better understanding the self especially as it relates to the world, and to the past, present, and future.