“Give your hands to serve, and your hearts to love.” – Mother Teresa
Welcome Supervisees
Fostering the development of therapists is one way we seek to make an impact in our community. We provide clinical supervision to mental health professionals in the fields of counseling, social work, and marriage & family therapy, as well as master’s-level student interns.
What We Offer
We are available to provide any of the following types of supervision sessions:
Individual Sessions
Group Sessions
Face-to-face at our office or on-site at your clinic
Teleconference sessions using Zoom
Please refer to the Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners (AzBBHE) website regarding requirements for the type of supervision sessions received.
If you would like to learn more about the model of supervision we use, what issues are addressed, and what to expect from supervision, please contact our office and request the Supervision Expectations document.
How to get started
These are the steps if you are interested in receiving clinical supervision
1. Supervisee Screening Form and resume are submitted
2. Screening form and resume are reviewed, references are checked
3. Interview is conducted to determine if we are a good match
4. Supervision Contract is signed
5. First supervision meeting is scheduled
If you are ready to get started, please contact our office and request the Supervisee Screening Form.
Meet Your Supervisor
I am David Phelan, a licensed professional counselor and a clinical supervisor in good standing approved by AzBBHE and in compliance with A.A.C. R4-6-212(J). You can find me on the AzBBHE Supervisor Registry here. I have been in private practice since 2004.